The Kilians




Departure for a new stage


The Renaissance period (ca.1350 - 1600) is considered the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. There is a spirit of optimism in the arts. The human being is placed in the center of the world.
After the strict period of the Middle Ages, pleasures are allowed, even wanted. Dancing took place at the princely courts, musicians and dance masters were employed. The invention of printing allowed the distribution of musical manuscripts, and independent instrumental music developed. The polyphony reached great bloom.
The Duo JOYOSA plays pieces by Pierre Attaignant, Thoinot Arbeau, Tielman Susato, Pierre Phalèse, Claude Gervaise, Michael Praetorius on instruments such as shawm, riq, bagpipes, frame drum, clef fiddle, davul, oud, zinc and harp with their usual improvisational ease.